Nonprofit and Foundation Showcase form

Resource Fair Event:  Community Resource Fair Date:  April 8, 2024 4:45pm - setup 5:15pm - 6:00pm Dinner and Introductions with Leadership Chatuge participants. 7:00pm to 8:30pm Resource Fair - The Resource Fair will be open to the public. To register your...

Resource Fair

Resource Fair Event:  Community Resource Fair Date:  April 8, 2024 4:45pm - setup 5:15pm - 6:00pm Dinner and Introductions with Leadership Chatuge participants. 7:00pm to 8:30pm Resource Fair - The Resource Fair will be open to the public. To register your...

Mission Outreach Volunteer Registration form

Mission Outreach - Volunteer Registration MISSION OUTREACH - VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION Church/Group Name * Dates Attending * Group Leader's name * Group Leader's email * Participant Name * Participated with HRLC before? * Yes No Address * Address Address Address City...

Mission Outreach Summer Group Registration form

Mission Outreach - Summer Group Registration Church/Group Name * Pastor's name * Group Leader's name * Group Leader's email * Preferred mailing address * Preferred mailing address Preferred mailing address Preferred mailing address City City State/Province...

Mission Outreach Individual Medical Liability form

Mission Outreach - Individual Medical Liability MISSION OUTREACH VOLUNTEERCONSENT/MEDICAL CARE—AUTHORIZATION and RELEASE VOLUNTEER NAME * (TYPE IN FULL LEGAL NAME) I, the undersigned, hereby affirm to Hinton Rural Life Center, Inc. (hereinafter Hinton) that I hereby...

Mission Outreach Group Skill Survey form

Mission Outreach - Group Skill/Interest Sheet GROUP SKILL/INTEREST SHEET Group Leader's name * Group Leader's email * Church * Work Mission Week or Dates * # in Group * # of Adults * # of youth 15-17 years old * # of youth 12-14 years old * # of youth under age 12 *...