Hinton is continuing to collect donations of specific cleaning supplies to prepare cleaning kits (flood buckets) to go to hurricane-affected areas of Western North Carolina. We have already donated 200 buckets, thanks to generous donations from community members. Our goal is to donate 200 more by year end. Help us collect these critically-needed supplies by purchasing from the list linked in the QR code in the accompanying image. Supplies can be dropped off at Hinton’s Tool Barn at the corner of Hinton Center Road and Retreat Drive, across from the Clay County Food Pantry in Hayesville, NC. Donations of supplies should be delivered to the Tool Barn by Tuesday, December 10.
You can also make a financial donation, by December 10, to Hinton Rural Life Center and designate it for Hurricane Relief or Flood Buckets, and we will use it to purchase supplies for the buckets. For ways to give, go to https://www.hintoncenter.org/donate.