Resources & Training

Teaching, Equipping, Resourcing

Teaching, Training, Resourcing

Hinton Rural Life Center’s retreat, mission outreach, and training ministries provide opportunities for churches, small groups, organizations, and individuals to grow in knowledge, faith, understanding, skills, empathy, and leadership — equipping and empowering them to bring help, healing, and hope to others. This page features ongoing opportunities that are coordinated and led by Hinton staff. Some are focused on equipping and resourcing our neighbors in Clay, Cherokee, and Towns counties, while others focus on discipleship and mission outreach, drawing church groups and leadership from across the Southeast and beyond. Technology allows us to offer virtual trainings and presentations across the country.

In addition to the training, equipping, and retreat opportunities featured on this page, you’ll find Hinton-developed resources for local churches, including United Methodist confirmation curriculum, a mission-focused small group/Sunday school curriculum, and resources to support the ministry of smaller membership churches. There are recommended articles, books, and online activities related to mission outreach. We have also included the 2017 Quality of Life Study, with enlightening research on the Southern Appalachian community we serve and compelling insights and recommendations that are guiding Hinton in our mission to help communities become more thriving for all.

Rural Poverty Simulation

“Our staff still can’t stop talking about what we learned from the Poverty Simulation. The experience impacted us individually AND helped us empathize and understand all the more the challenges that our low-income clients face on a daily basis.”

Deanne Everton, Executive Director

Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley

 The Rural Life Poverty Simulation, or “PovSim,” is a large-group activity that helps participants gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by those living in poverty in rural communities. During this hands-on simulation, participants are grouped into rural “families” and respectfully “step into their shoes,” with each family experiencing unique dynamics, resources, and challenges. In timed sessions, families interact with various community organizations, pay bills, and react to a variety of unexpected scenarios. Previous participants say they gained perspective, recognized privilege, and experienced stress, frustration, and moments of confusion. Many described their PovSim experience as eye-opening, adding that it changed their previous view of rural poverty. 

Although the experience of those living in poverty is similar across geographic areas, there are unique struggles for those in rural communities. Hinton developed the Rural Life Poverty Simulation to provide an experiential educational approach to increase awareness and understanding of rural issues of poverty, highlighting the structural issues that lead to and sustain rural poverty. The PovSim is often used at Hinton with mission teams, but can also be taken “on the road” by Hinton staff and, with the help of local volunteers, held on-site at churches, schools, community centers, and conferences.

The PovSim was created as part of a master’s level research project at Western Carolina University by Rachel Ahrens-Price, a former Hinton summer staffer. It is reasearch based and was edited by many contributors, including Alexis Gregg who created the spreadsheet. The PovSim is currently managed by Hinton’s Director of Program Ministries Rev. Dawn Martin, who has nearly 20 years of experience working with people in poverty. She is aided by Program Ministries Assistant Ella Stilwell, who has a heart and passion for the rural community.

The PovSim is one of several poverty awareness activities Hinton can provide for mission teams and retreat groups. It is also available for churches and community organizations to purchase for local use. For more info on the PovSim and to schedule a PovSim as part of your Hinton experience, contact Dawn Martin at or 828-389-8336. For more info on purchasing the PovSim, use the button below.



Our Educational Tool Barn not only provides storage space for supplies, tools, and equipment for our home repair ministry, but offers interactive stations for visitors, volunteers, and community members to learn about home maintenance and safety. Funded by The Duke Endowment, the Tool Barn reflects how research plays a significant role in guiding and shaping Hinton’s work in our community to help improve the quality of life for all. Much of our efforts and grant-funding focus over the past several years has been to integrate educational components into our Safe & Healthy Home Repair ministry. 

Visitors to the Tool Barn are treated to an array of engaging display stations around the periphery of the main space. Stations include informational posters along with manipulative objects and technology that illustrate potential safety and health hazards in homes, statistics that highlight the dangers, and practices and products that can help address maintenance and safety needs. Display station topics include include preventing toilet leaks and water damage, misaligned steps, electrical tips, pest control, medicine lock boxes, and more. One large monitor offers interactive quizzes on health and safety concerns in housing.

The Tool Barn is available for tours and presentations for school, civic, and church groups that Hinton staff would be happy to provide. The space is also available for group meetings and events. For more information, to schedule a tour and presentation, inquire about availability and rates, and make reservations, please email or call 828-389-8336.


Leadership Chatuge Community Builders

Announcement: Leadership Chatuge Community Builders Update, 1-13-2025

Hinton Center remains committed to fostering leadership and community growth through our Leadership Chatuge Community Builders program. While we have made the decision to pause the program for 2025 due to enrollment numbers, we are excited to use this time to refine and enhance the experience for our participants.

We’re thrilled to announce that Leadership Chatuge Community Builders will return in 2026, better than ever, with new opportunities to learn, connect, and grow together with the goal of making our community one in which all us can thrive. We deeply appreciate your continued support and look forward to seeing you in 2026 as we embark on this next chapter.

Thank you for being part of our mission to empower leaders and strengthen our community!

 Dr. Jacqueline Gottlieb, Hinton President and CEO



2025 Weekends:

Feb. 28 – March 2, March 14-16, March 28-30 (FULL)

Theotokos retreats are for youth participating in United Methodist Confirmation, their leaders (clergy and laity), and other accompanying adults. Although youth as young as 6th graders may participate, the Theotokos retreat will be more meaningful for older youth, recommending that participants be in 7th grade or older. (Older youth who were confirmed during Covid and not able to have a retreat experience are also welcome to participate!) Theotokos retreats are designed to support and complement the Confirmation ministries of local United Methodist congregations, who are the faith communities, “God families,” and key disciple makers of young people.

For more information and to register for a retreat, visit the Theototokos United Methodist Confirmation web site at      Dates for Spring 2026 will be available on April 1, with registration opening September 1. 

A free preview of Hinton’s Theotokos Connections confirmation curriculum — not required for or used with the retreat — is available below in the Resources section.)


Theotokos Connections Confirmation Curriculum

For clergy and/or youth leaders looking for a United Methodist confirmation curriculum, Hinton offers Theotokos Connections. The focus of the six-session digital curriculum seeks to build community with participants and help them understand, appreciate, and live into the greater Connection – to Self, to God, to the Church, to Neighbor, to Creation, and to Heritage. It’s created to be easy to use and adaptable to any church setting. Smaller, rural churches will find this curriculum to be especially relevant and flexible. The sessions are designed so you can cover a session over a one-hour time period OR spread out the activities provided to extend sessions over longer time periods and/or multiple weeks. Cost is based on number of users (confirmands and leaders).

  • For a free preview, click HERE .
  • For more information about the curriculum and to order, visit our Theotokos United Methodist Confirmation web site at .
  • You can also order the curriculum HERE . (For churches in the Western North Carolina Conference, click HERE.)

Research & Reports: Safe & Healthy Home Repair

Hinton’s work in our community to help improve the quality of life for all is informed by research. Our decades of home repair ministry and focus on housing illustrate this. The documents linked below include research and reports that have been instrumental in the evolution of our Safe & Healthy Home Repair ministry, described in the link for “A Quest to Improve Life in Southern Appalachia” by Hinton CEO & President Dr. Jacqueline Gottlieb.

The 2017 Quality of Life Study, commissioned by Hinton Rural Life Center in 2016, identified seven focus areas for which collaborative efforts could significantly impact our region. These included Children’s Issues, Economic Development, Education, Housing, Substance Misuse, Technology, and Transportation. This study guided the formation of the Council for Collaborative Impact.

Webinar: “Wesley, Racism, and Anti-Slavery”

From the early days of his ministry, Methodism founder John Wesley was a staunch abolitionist. Professing that all humans are made in the image of God, he worked continually to end slavery, offer salvation to all, and spread scriptural holiness. This webinar, led by Dr. Jonathan LeMaster-Smith, explores how Wesley’s anti-slavery writings can inform and inspire our anti-racist work today.


Cultivating Hope: Where You’re Planted

A seven-week study to help us grow inwardly so that we can share the light and love of Christ with our neighbors. Each session of this study has components that focus on loving God, ourselves, and our neighbor as we “cultivate hope”: Love others… Sowing seeds forward – sharing the love of Christ with others (the leaves on the tree); Love self… Tend – you can’t pour from an empty vessel (the trunk of the tree); Love God… Till – preparation – doing the inward work so that we can continue to grow (the roots of the tree).

Sessions: Getting to Know You; Why Reach Out to the Community?; Perspective; Poverty Awareness; Asset-Based Biblical Model; Assets; How to Move Forward… Next Steps

This digital resource is free. To order, email

2330 Hinton Center Road, Hayesville NC 28904
