Give to Make a Difference
Giving Makes an Impact
- Your support makes an impact on the lives of our rural Appalachian neighbors, community volunteers, and mission teams, as well as the communities to which they return. Through your donations (financial,”in-kind,” and volunteer time/skills), you partner with Hinton to: help make homes safer, healthier, and warmer; help parents provide new clothes for their children at Christmas; train community members and congregations to better support those with mental health challenges; equip young adults to serve as missional leaders and discern calls to ministry; provide educational and networking opportunities that empower local residents to become community builders. Here is what friends of Hinton helped accomplish in 2023:
- Families/households served — 487
- Loads of firewood — Over 700 truck loads
- Mission participants — 617
- Home repair projects — 282 (on 61 homes)
- Volunteers — 1,164
- Value ($) of volunteer hours — $602,575
- Leadership Chatuge graduates — 16 (bringing total # of grads to 89)
- Participants, rural poverty simulations — 460
- Christmas Care, # of children — 346

Ways You Can Give
Financial Donation
Financial gifts are ALWAYS appreciated at Hinton. Whether you make a small automated monthly donation, a large end-of-year contribution, or any size gift in between, we are grateful for your support and encouragement. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Hinton cannot do what we do in our community for our neighbors, on our campus for our guests, or with our mission teams and beyond without the generosity of donors. There are several ways you can make a financial donation:
- Online through PayPal or credit card. Use the PayPal button for these options. (You do not need to have a PayPal account.)
- Online through The United Methodist Advance. The Advance is a designated giving arm of The United Methodist Church that ensures 100% of each gift is used for its intended mission. Hinton Rural Life Center is Advance Project #731372. The United Methodist Advance button takes you to the online giving page for Hinton.
- By check. Make payable and mail to Hinton Rural Life Center, PO Box 27, Hayesville NC 28904
- By credit card. Call Hinton at 828-389-8336 with your credit card information. We’ll process your payment and send you a receipt.
In-Kind Contribution
Hinton receives a variety of in-kind, or non-monetary, contributions throughout the year. These may include donations of equipment for home repair or firewood ministries or donations of furniture, appliances, and cooking/serving dishes. Other in-kind donation items include stocks, airline tickets, and vehicles. If you have something you’d like to donate or want to inquire about specific needs and the in-kind donation process, please contact Karen Kluever for lodging/campus items, Dawn Martin for mission-related items, and Jacqueline Gottlieb for stocks, vehicles, and other “large-ticket” in-kind gifts. Call 828-389-8336 or email

2024 Summer Missions: Be Part of the Story!
By Rev. Dawn Martin, Director of Program Ministries
The work Hinton Rural Life Center does through our Safe & Healthy Housing ministry is much more than home repairs. Repairs are needed and important. Fostering relationships as we share our stories and get to know one another is even more important, and one of the amazing outcomes of Hinton’s ministry is seeing how our stories intertwine.
Sitting down with Doyce, one of our homeowners, we learned so much about his life and his connection to Hinton. A Korean War veteran, Doyce has had many roles in our Appalachian community. Married with four children, he is now the caregiver for his wife and adult child. Doyce has always been one to give to others, and Hinton’s volunteers were happy to be able to give to Doyce and his family. Projects they completed at his home this summer included an accessibility ramp, handrails, and working with Doyce in his garden. Not only did the repairs help with accessibility and safety, but time spent with volunteers provided encouragement to Doyce and his family. (View a short video featuring Doyce, below.)
Hinton staff and volunteers know that poverty has many dimensions. It’s more than just about the finances. There is physical poverty, such as getting older and not being as mobile, or having an injury that limits what you can do. Spiritual poverty . . . Read Dawn’s complete letter HERE for more on the different types of poverty, impact of Hinton Summer Missions, our 2024 mission theme, the power of stories, and how you can be part of the bigger story of God’s love and hope in our Appalachian community and beyond.
Wish List
Hinton’s wish list consists of items that would be very helpful in the upkeep of our beautiful campus and the facilities entrusted to our care. They could be items that help us in our mission outreach or help us to provide more excellent hospitality for our guests. To see if there’s an item you’d like to gift Hinton, contact Karen at 828-389-8336 or
Legacy Giving
Legacy gifts are made by visionary supporters to support the ongoing creation and sustainability of Hinton’s impactful and transformative work in the local community, the ministries of congregations, and in the lives of neighbors, volunteers, and guests. Legacy gifts include planned giving to Hinton Rural Life Center through charitable bequests (wills, trusts), life insurance, endowments, and retirement plans. For more information, contact Jacqueline Gottlieb, Hinton CEO and president, at 828-389-8336 or .
Tribute Gifts
Honor or remember someone special with a gift that changes lives through the ministries of Hinton Center. Along with your financial donation, include a note, email ( , or call 828-389-8336 with your tribute information:
- Donor’s name and contact information
- ___ In honor of ___ In memory of _________________________________________
- Name and contact information for acknowledgement card. (Gift amount will not be disclosed.)
Volunteer Opportunities
Hinton offers year-round opportunities for different ages, interests, and skill levels, for both individuals and groups who want tovolunteer in our rural Appalachian community. Whether you have a few hours, a day, a week, or more, there is a way for you to serve. Options include, but are not limited to, Safe & Healthy Home Assessments and Repairs, firewood ministry, tending trails and gardens, Christmas Care of Clay County, campus maintenance and landscaping projects, helping staff our Rural Poverty Simulation, Charity Golf Tournament, and office help.
Click HERE for our Community Outreach brochure, which features the many ways Hinton serves the community and the opportunities for individuals and groups to volunteer. You can also submit our Volunteer Interest Survey linked HERE, and Hinton’s Community Connections Coordinator Jeremy Jenkins will follow up with you to explore ways you can give to our community through volunteerism. You can also contact Jeremy for more information at or 828-389-8336.